Can You Install Artificial Turf Under Trees?

Over the past months, Disneyland has rolled out artificial grass as part of drought-fighting water conservation. Beautiful artificial turf now sits around the Mickey floral planter at the entrance and the Haunted Mansion front lawn, residing around trees and water features.

It has made many wonder if artificial grass belongs around trees and how you can install it. Some people even believe that the fact that you have trees on your landscape means that you cannot install artificial turf.

But the fact is, you can install artificial turf beneath trees. In fact, in many cases, it performs better than natural grass. However, many myths about trees around synthetic turf may prompt you to think otherwise.

Myths and Facts About Turf Under Trees

Common myths about artificial grass under trees include the following.

Bulging Tree Roots Wrecks Artificial Turf

Roots go deeper into the ground in search of moisture and spread for stability and wicking up water and nutrients.

However, other trees contain shallow roots that occasionally push the soil surface. In that case, avoiding such tree varieties in your compound is prudent. You do not want to have them along your patio, sidewalk, or driveway because the roots will push up pavers and concrete.

If you want to plant new trees, you will find various options despite your space size and personal preference.

Artificial Turf Can’t Be Raked

Many believe that they will not be able to remove leaves when your trees shed. This is not true because cleaning artificial turf is relatively easy. You can use a rake, an air blower, or a power broom.

Artificial Turf Choke Out Trees

One of the biggest concerns you will encounter is that artificial turf chokes the roots of trees. However, that is not the case.

Artificial turf is not natural, nor is it a plastic barrier. It is solely designed to prevent weeds from growing, not to keep soil from getting moisture vital for growth. It is also porous with good drainage capability, allowing seamless air and water passage.

Benefits of Artificial Turf for Trees

Here are some benefits of having artificial turf installed under your tree:

Synthetic Turf Will Not Cause Your Tree Roots to Overheat

This is often a concern in summer. But it is not something to worry about.

Nowadays, artificial turf hardly gets hot – thanks to the advanced technology and production process. Plus, you can always hose it down to cool it off.

Also, if your trees give sufficient shade, you do not have to worry about overheating.

Good Air and Water Flow

Good quality artificial turf will be porous, facilitating oxygen and water flow. A non-porous synthetic turf will make it impossible for roots to get sufficient oxygen and water for survival. In addition, it will sterilize and kill the soil underneath, plus everything living in it.

Therefore, before installing your new artificial turf, do your homework to ensure you are getting one that allows for adequate oxygen and water.

Good Drainage

One of the most important advantages of artificial turf over natural grass is that it does not get muddy. In addition, it does not require mowing or watering. Because of this, synthetic turf offers excellent drainage capabilities.

No Weeds

Since artificial turf lacks nutrients, weeds cannot grow on it. This means less maintenance as there will be no weeds to be removed. Also, your trees will grow well since you will not need to use harsh chemicals that would otherwise harm the roots.

Easy to Clean Up Tree Leaves

Since trees shed leaves naturally, your lawn may look untidy, lying beneath trees that shed, especially during fall. Cleaning leaves can be challenging on natural grass. But with artificial grass, the entire cleaning process becomes easy.

And, all you need is a leaf blower or a rake for this job. Raking artificial grass does not take much time, either.

Cons of Artificial Turf

One downside of synthetic turf is that it can get too hot. While this can benefit tropical and subtropical trees, it can be a barrier to those that thrive in cold climates. The ground can get very hot- particularly during unusually dry and hot summers.

Artificial grass is best installed under large trees that thrive well in warm climates, including the Engelmann oak that blooms in hardiness zones.

Plus, it can be somewhat challenging to fertilize and water trees with artificial turf, even though most turfs are permeable with good drainage capability. Fortunately, all these depend on the manufacturer and are thus something you ought to consider when purchasing and installing the grass.

Can Artificial Turf Harm Tree Roots?

Artificial turf is not the same as natural grass. Unlike real grass, which needs water and sunlight to thrive, synthetic grass does not. Since it is made of plastic, it lacks similar characteristics to natural grass. So, artificial grass can’t harm trees’ roots.

The roots of a tree need air and water provided by the soil. And given that artificial grass does not attach to the ground, it can’t interfere with the tree roots. In fact, most homeowners use artificial turf underneath trees to shelter them from damage, like from a lawnmower. Due to this, artificial turf cannot harm tree roots.

Final Thoughts

We hope this article has cleared your doubts about artificial turf under trees. Installing artificial turf under trees is one of the best things you can do to your landscape visually.

Plus, it is a brilliant alternative to natural grass. It resembles real grass but does not require special care to have it look green and beautiful.

Homeowners, commercial property owners, and public space managers in Orange County can take a page out of Disneyland’s book by choosing to install artificial turf.

You can transform your yard into a beautiful green environment with artificial turf. Not only will it help in water conservation, but it will also ensure your space does not disappoint in aesthetics.

Call us for a quick installation when you are ready to transition to artificial grass. We are top installers serving Orange County residents with great services and affordable prices.